The Complete Works of the Church Fathers

by Patristic Publishing

Bücher & Nachschlagewerke

1.99 usd

Sämtliche Werke der Kirchenväter (Vollversion)

This is the complete set of early Christian writings covering the first four centuries after Christs death, as compiled by Philip Schaff.nnThere are more than 60 authors, and over 2,500 works included in this collection. There are also introductions on most of the authors, which provide a background of their life and how their works came to be accepted and preserved by the wider Christian world.nnAll this has been catalogued as an organized app to make it easy to reference each authors work. The text size can be altered and there is a text-to-speech option.nnThe following authors are included:nnAlexander of AlexandrianAlexander of LycopolisnAmbrosenAphrahatnArchelausnAristides the PhilosophernArnobiusnAthanasiusnAthenagorasnAugustine of HipponBardesanesnBarnabasnBasil the GreatnCaiusnClement of AlexandrianClement of RomenCommodianusnCyprian of CarthagenCyril of JerusalemnDionysius of RomenDionysius the GreatnEphraim the SyriannEusebius of CaesareanGennadius of MarseillesnGregory the Great, PopenGregory NazianzennGregory of NyssanGregory ThaumaturgusnHermasnHilary of PoitiersnHippolytusnIgnatius of AntiochnIrenaeus of LyonsnJeromenJohn of DamascusnJohn CassiannJohn ChrysostomnJulius AfricanusnJustin MartyrnLactantiusnLeo the Great, PopenMalchionnMar JacobnMathetesnMethodiusnMinucius FelixnMoses of ChorenenNovatiannOrigennPamphilusnPapiasnPeter of AlexandrianPolycarpnRufinusnSocrates ScholasticusnSozomennSulpitius SeverusnTatiannTertulliannTheodoretnTheodotusnTheophilusnVenantiusnVictorinusnVincent of LérinsnnAlso included are the early liturgies, councils and the apocryphal works.nnThis full version has no restrictions to accessing any of the writings.